Monday, April 15, 2013

TNH not rant

So I decided since I wrote a rant, I could follow up on my recent chain of events. Last Tuesday I walk into the contributors meeting per usual as I am there consistently every Tuesday night at 8:00. Usually casually walking in a little early just to grab a seat close to the table so I can grab the best articles first. I know, I figured out the status quo. Anyways, so I walk in and all of my fellow contributor friends frantically ask me if I got the job. Thus begins my inner panic. All of them pressure me to check now. But I can't. If I didn't get the position I would cry. And who likes crying in front of people you barely know. This proceeds to be the worst half hour of my life hardly being able to focus on the pitch session. I quickly exit after grabbing an article and then run. Yes run home in sandals. During I am counting every possibility quite honestly thinking I didn't get the job. I quickly log into the UNH e-mail account and the present of all my desires lays in front of me. I GOT THE JOB. I am starting as a staff writer which is more than desirable. This not only means I get a little dough, which I could care less about, but it immensely helps my resume! End of story. I'm a happy girl. :)

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